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Hugging will be perfect for 2-3 seasons, now we have 7-8 good legioners and 7-8 yang UA players He was getting paid in Anji about 7 million, so Surkis can offer 6 + bonuses And sing the contract for 2,5 years Anyways now he paying to Blohin at list 3 + Mihalo, Bal, Rebrov t.e at list 5 total All big team has the couches already this season, so Hidding can take the job Anyways need to open Surkis eyes...
Huggind? Всегда знал, что Динамо помогут обнимашки :)))
Petr Пожаловаться 12 августа 2013 02:10 ответить Someone call Igor Surkis, and ask when he will stop to do experiments ??? Need to get Hidding ASAP !!! He worked in RU for years, so can make a good team from current players Bloha did he's part, now we have 20 good, yang players, So need to get good coach, other wise kronti Need to write letter to Igor Surkis, and press on him to get Hidding on board ASAP Or to look for some one else, but better option we will not find right now Guys do something , do NOT let the team go down !!! Once the new coach will come, he will decide who will stay from rest of coaches. Rebrob, Bal need to go home, Gruzin back to Milan, Blohin can organize and motivate to game or two, but HE IS NOT A COACH !!! PLESE LET'S GET AND WORK ON THE LETTER TO IGOR SURKIS EXPLAIN, THAT NOW HE IS RISKING TO LOOSE HE TEAM FOR YERS, IF HE NOT GET A GOOD EXPIRAINCE COUCH
Ну письмо то написать можно, могу даже назвать кандидатуру возможного автора. Думаю,Умник подошел бы на эту роль. Остальным почитать то, что Умник наваяет и дать ему свои пожелания и рекомендации редакционного характера, но конечный вариант все равно оставить на усмотрение Умника, иначе мы никогда не сойдемся на окончательной версии письма. Только чего ты, Петр, пишешь на английском? Тут и на русском все все понимают.
Someone call Igor Surkis, and ask when he will stop to do experiments ??? Need to get Hidding ASAP !!! He worked in RU for years, so can make a good team from current players Bloha did he's part, now we have 20 good, yang players, So need to get good coach, other wise kronti Need to write letter to Igor Surkis, and press on him to get Hidding on board ASAP Or to look for some one else, but better option we will not find right now Guys do something , do NOT let the team go down !!! Once the new coach will come, he will decide who will stay from rest of coaches. Rebrob, Bal need to go home, Gruzin back to Milan, Blohin can organize and motivate to game or two, but HE IS NOT A COACH !!! PLESE LET'S GET AND WORK ON THE LETTER TO IOR SURKIS EXPLAIN, THAT NOW HE IS RISKING TO LOOSE HE TEAM FOR YERS, IF HE NOT GET A GOOD EXPIRAINCE COUCH
Dear friend! We all are hurting because of the situation we are in. But in any eventuality, contacting Surkis will not make any bit of difference. He said on many occasions that Dynamo is his club and he spends his own money and is, therefore, entitled to a personal decision as to the appointment of coaches or purchasing of players. It seems that Surkis wants the best for our beloved club, but he just does not know how to make that "best" reality. The good thing, is that there are many great players now in the team and on the bench, so if new coach comes he will have freedom of choice. But when that new coach will come is a big mystery. I think the best thing we can all do is be patient and brace up for another shaky season. Best regards!
Someone call Igor Surkis, and ask when he will stop to do experiments ??? Need to get Hidding ASAP !!! He worked in RU for years, so can make a good team from current players Bloha did he's part, now we have 20 good, yang players, So need to get good coach, other wise kronti Need to write letter to Igor Surkis, and press I'm to get Hidding on board ASAP Or to look for some one else, but better option we will not find Guys do something , do let the team go down !!!
Знаете ребят,хоть я и верю в ОВБ!!!Но он конфликтный человек,и кроме психов мне кажется что ничего наладить он не сможет,знаю,что вы меня будете критиковать но как мне кажется,теперешний футбол в Украине может диктовать три человека (Билькевичь,Калитвинцев и Григорчук)еще конечно и Максимов,и Блохина старо тип,команда должна бежать ,навес с фланга и все ,на этом футбол закончен,как не прискорбно но ето так,вот как мне кажется стоит дать шанс Билькевичу,хоть он и молод но тактика у него присутствует ,тем более он не так давно играл,есть конечно другой вариант что никто его не будет воспринимать как тренера,но все же он не так давно играл,у него есть мысль ...и поступки сегодняшнего игрока,как мне кажется хуже не будет,он художник и поверите мне ...он сделает команду, потому что на его глазах росла та молодежь ...ДИНАСОВСКАЯ ...но нужно время ,хотя бы года два ,вы готовы ждать?
Guus Hiddink is not an option. He is old and has not won anything decent in years. Dynamo is not Anji to invite Hiddink. We need younger specialist who is eager to work in foreign country in tough psychological conditions.
Ничего не найдено.